Philcom's September Blast!

The two-day anniversary celebration started last Friday, September 29, 2006. The event was kicked off with a motorcade around Metro CDO, after

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"If you don't write things down, you'll forget them. That's what journals are for. Here's my space to make notes, recount funny things, rekindle memories, post current updates, share random thoughts and ideas. Take a peek on the bits and pieces of my life's journey... rolled into one blog."
I’ve found this cool stuff from Hazel's blog. It’s a “who’s-your-celebrity-look-alike” web demo that has taken the internet by storm! It’s kinda amusing and exciting, so I gave it a try too! You just upload your photo and… voila! You’ll find who among those celebrities has a striking resemblance of you (though I'm not saying it's a 100% resemblance, not even 50% hahaha!). Just look at what I’ve come up with my uploaded photos:
.....It's cool, eh? Lingaw-lingaw lang gud hehe! If you're curious who's your celebrity look-alike, you may try the web demo at Go find the celebrity in you!