Kerygma Feast: Enriching One's Soul
It was such a fun-filled, victorious evening last Sunday (September 17, 2006) when we (Teray, Judith with her cousins, Fe with Doc Joan, and moi) attended the Kerygma Feast held at The Atrium of the Limketkai Mall. The feast was started off with that joyous praise & worship headed by the Light of Jesus community. Then came preacher/music artist Alvin Barcelona who imparted a very touching testimony, after which he performed his music composition “Peace Ball”. Nalingaw jud kaayo ang crowd! The applause even went louder when he finally introduced the speaker of the night, Bo Sanchez! I’ve read a handful of Bo’s inspirational books and I'm an avid reader of his writings (Kerygma & Didache), but hearing his preaching live was pretty much different. His charisma was totally powerful and amazing, one would never miss hearing every single word of his talk. I say amazing ‘coz the intensity and clarity of his words are so profound, even a mere bystander who hadn’t much encounter with God can fully relate to what he utters. I say powerful ‘coz modulot jud sa kabukugan iyang gipang storya (yeah, it’s no joke!). Plus, he has this certain wit and humor, the crowd would really enjoy every detail of his preaching. Indeed, the gathering was guaranteed to be 100% drowsy-free!
Bo’s topic on “Increase Love In Your Family” had a significat impact to his audience. The first half of his
preaching was somewhat focused on the husbands and wives, and if you’re among those couples who have listened to his talk, you’ll really end up laughing at your own mistakes (as in, kay maigo man jud sa message hehehe!). I could even sense a number of husbands and wives from the four corners of the atrium saying “yeah” in unison when a situational family & marriage related question was asked to them. Then came the second half of Bo’s talk which was intended for us singles! Tsadaaaann! He tackled on “Singles: Take Responsibility For Your Future”. Whether you are a single who’s currently searching for a lifetime partner, or a single in a current relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend) and is discerning for married life, whew! Bo’s message was just so clear and precise… as in tumpak, swak, korek! To have more glimpse on what I’m talking about, get a copy of Bo’s latest book “How To Find Your One True Love” (palit jud mo kay ako nakapalit na, didto jud mismo sa Kergma Feast, and so I had the privilege of having Bo Sanchez signed at my newly purchased book, heheh!), or visit and see for yourself!
Now, I’m looking forward for next year’s Kerygma Feast. I’m just so glad that K Feast has finally reached CDO for three consecutive years now. How I wish it could be held in a monthly basis too, just like in Cebu and Manila. (P.S. Bo, pwede bang maging monthly na rin ang K Feast dito sa CDO? Hehehe!).
Click here to view details of last year’s Kerygma Feast. See more K Feast photos at
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