Pacman's Victory, Filipino's Pride!

It was a scary start for "Pacman" as he had a taste of Larios' powerful right jabs during round 3. But he quickly recovered which resulted to a bloody cut on Larios' left eye. By the 4th round Manny not only returned his opponent's punches but connected more on his target. His trademark left hand was tough on Larios' but everyone was surprised that his right hand also delivered hard punches. Though he told the press that he'd have the Mexican by the 6th round, yet Larios proved to be a tough contender for they finished all 12 rounds. Manny was able to make Larios go down on his knees at the 7th and 12th rounds. Oucchh! That was tough!
Larios, on the other hand, exhibited true spirit of sportsmanship. I could see his warm smile to the Filipino crowd as he stepped towards the boxing arena. And when the fight was over, he was gentleman and humble enough to retain his composure as he flashed a wide grin on his face amidst the triumphant cheers of the crowd for Manny's victory. He even thanked not only Pacquiao but also the Filipinos for giving him a chance to fight.
Not a boxing fanatic eh? Hehehe! But I'm an avid "Pacman" supporter. Cheers to all Filipinos out there! Paquiao's victory is the triumph of everybody!
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