Full Packed Summer Weekend!
A full packed summer weekend?! Whoaw! That sounds a lot of fun! I should know, I just had a quadruple summer weekend treat recently. Yeh, not double, not triple.. but quadruple.. as in four times the fun gyud, hehehe!.. I’ll tell you why:
Treat #1. Last Saturday (May 13, 2006), we had a company outing at Mantangale Alibuag Dive Resort located in Balingoan, Misamis Oriental. Only 80 kilometers from Cagayan de Oro City and facing Camiguin Island, the resort is a perfect venue for snorkeling, scuba-diving, kayaking, and fishing. One of the main highlights of the the outing (except of course from the “pakals” hehehe!) was the Amazing Challenge. Whew! ‘Twas my first time doing an actual “extra challenge” stuff, with those series of obstacles burning out all my energy. My team did fairly well on the first three obstacles, but we didn’t make it on the last phase, the puzzle maze. Geeeks! Medyo nahagbong kadyot among IQ oi, hehehe!.. So, when the scores in each obstacle were totaled, we ended up on the 3rd notch. Hmnn.. not that bad for an extra challenge of 5 teams, hehe! Congratulations to the White Team who made it on top, two thumbs up to the Blue Team (my team) for the job well done, and kudos to all the challengers who had done their best and exhibited the true spirit of sportsmanship. More snapshots at my summer photo gallery.
Treat #2. After the whole day summer outing, I hurried to my beloved hometown Malaybalay. What’s the rush, eh?
Well, I wouldn’t let that weekend pass by without seeing somebody special in my life. Oh.. yeah! It’s Mother's Day! Nothing could make my day any sweeter than spending time with my dear mom. The next morning, I busied myself strolling over the entire city (yeh, strolling.. as in baklay to the max jud under the heat of the sun, whew!), just looking for a perfect Mother’s Day cake for Mom. My original plan was supposed to be somewhat different then. I wanted to treat Mom on a special dinner. Mother-daughter bonding 'ika nga.. But my mom preferred to have the celebration at home. Well then, where could the perfect place to celebrate Mother's Day but at our very home! Perfection suggestion from a perfect mother! To my mom and all the mothers out there, Happy Mother's Day!
Treat #3. On Sunday (May 14, 2006), aside from the Mother’s Day celebration, it was the christening of my inaanak Louise Micaela, Malou's first born. Such a very lovely baby! I couldn’t wait for her to grow up so that I could grab her out for a bonding session. Whatta hyper ninang! Hahaha! My friends then asked, "Kanus-a man mi makakita sa imo with your little angel? Kay mag ninang pud mi!".. Oh, well... "the groom-to-be hasn't come yet" was my simple answer, hahaha! Kudos to my “kumares” Aimee & Ruffa!
Treat #4. May 14? Well, it’s the bisperas of our town fiesta! That’s the fourth
treat! We didn’t celebrate fiesta at home then (‘coz we have a separate fiesta in Upper C.M. Recto which belongs to Barangay Sumpong already… owwsss.. palusot, haha!). Well, it was still a treat though ‘coz I was able to witness some of the city’s festivities, and was part of the feast of our patron saint San Isidro Labrador (Ora et Labora). Happy Fiesta to all!
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