A Purposeful Solitude
What comes first into your mind when you hear the words “low bat” or “battery empty”? Gotchaa! It’s cellphone, right? And out of nowhere, you’ll hear a colleague or a friend pleading “charger puhhleeaassee!” hehehe! Well, just like us, we do experience being “low bat” and all. Think of those daily pressures at work, family problems, financial concerns, etc. etc… and you’ll be completely burned out! And if stress and pressure seemed to kill us, we immediately want something to relieve us... a battery charger that is. Thus, we need some time to withdraw from our everyday business and family worries, a time to reflect and get a fresh slant of life, a time for solitude, a time for prayer… a time for God alone. Now, what comes first into your mind? A retreat… I know it!
Last weekend (April 22-23, 2006), me and my bestfriend Grethel had a soulful personal retreat at the Benedictine Monastery of the Transfiguration at our beloved hometown Malaybalay. We really did set a schedule for it amidst our busy lives in the corporate world. Grethel still had some pending projects at work, and I, too, had bulk of works at hand, but we took time setting aside those concerns, and be relieved from such burden at once. Whew!
It was a fresh start of the day when we arrived at the Old Monastery that Saturday morning. We were welcomed by
the hospitable staffs of the guesthouse, Melvin and Ella. The place was so peaceful and quiet indeed! We haven’t started with the retreat proper yet, but we can already feel the enigmatic presence of God closely looking over us from above. The scenic view of the surroundings hadn’t escaped from our sights too! Around the monastery sprawl coffee plantations, fields of grain and fine orchards -- mute witnesses of the monks' dedication to their motto, "Ora et labora " (Pray and work). Right in the middle of the monastic grounds towers a gem of a modern church, the architect's vision of a silent prayer to God. The reverent silence that envelops the monastery throughout the day is broken only by the merry chirping of the birds and the gentle swaying of the tree branches being blown by the cold winds. Whew! Such a breathtaking scenery indeed! Enjoying one’s gaze through this wonderful manifestation of God’s abundant blessing is already a form of “retreat” itself.
After a series of prayer sessions and reflections, (and a couple of breaks), we headed down to the New Monastery. No transpo this time, we hiked the 1-kilometer trail with much ado. So inspired to get to the new monastery church, we hardly noticed we were walking under the infuriating heat of the sun for almost half an hour! Hehehe! When we finally get the last step towards our destination, a big “whoooaaawwhhh!” was exclaimed! Perhaps a mixed emotions of relief (from such long walking) and amazement (from such panoramic view there is). A few more steps then led us to one corner outside the church where we sit back and relax… savoring the cool breeze of the air. It seemed we found a perfect spot for waiting the sunset! The stillness of the entire surroundings was so enticing, it really did
drive us to have our eyes closed, our heads bowed down, and prayed with overwhelming peacefulness within our hearts. God’s magic seemed to outpour then, ‘coz just in time when we started praying, we overheard the mystic, solemn voices of the monks chanting their prayers inside the church. I felt a definite chill down my spine as I’ve heard those heavenly voices echoing from within. Namlibawot jud akong balahibo... and so was Grethel’s! I knew then that God’s Holy Spirit was residing within us. Thank you Lord for empowering us with Your divine and holy presence!
The entire night during that day was spent for our individual prayers and reflections. I was greatly amazed by how God worked within me on that moment ‘coz when I opened my bible, my first flip of the holy book led me to Mark 11:24 – “Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours.”.. That was indeed a powerful message for me ‘coz one of my main objective of the retreat was about life’s discernment, and I was really claiming for something from God, that He’s gonna provide it for me.. in His Name, I’m claming for it. And voila! He has a definite answer in that particular verse where I was led! Thank you so much, Lord!
Early the following morning, I was welcomed with the sweet chirping of the birds which served as my alarm clock. How nice it is to be spending a moment of solitude in a solemn place like this, and I felt very much intimate with the
Lord. I really was filled with His holy presence then, and I was double filled (errr.. my stomach that is, hehe!) with that yummy breakfast served by their friendly crews. After that sumptuous meal, we proceed down to the new monastery to hear the holy mass. While yesterday’s departure to the distant church was with a BMW (By Means of Walking, lol!), this time we already have a ride through the monastery’s shuttle service. The holy mass marked as our concluding activity for the entire two-day retreat. It was such a fruitful activity for the two of us. We felt recharged, refueled, and empowered by God’s grace.
Jesus wants to be a deep source of strength, and meaning for us. He invites us to come to Him, and by prayer, and reflection to get in tough with what is really important. It is a great way to "Get Your Batteries Recharged".
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