I've Got My Google Passport Ready!
Last month, I had received an email from Google AdSense informing me that they had recently sent me my Personal Indentification Number (PIN) via standard mail and that I would expect to receive it on the mailing address I have indicated in my application within about 2-4 weeks. True enough, I had received my Google AdSense PIN via postal mail a couple of days ago, just exactly one month after I received the email notification from Google. Whew! Now my passport for earning revenue from my websites is up and ready… I can now be eligible for receiving payments from Google!
I had signed up for Google AdSense two months ago with the influence of my colleagues Teresa and Hazel who were
AdSense members themselves. I’ve been blogging for quite sometime then, and never did I realize I can gain something out from those ads posted in my site until I tried Google AdSense (thanks again Tere & Haz for introducing me to the adsense world, hehe!). Unlike my Friendster Blog where only the advertisers gain from those ads posted in my page, my Blogspot Website had brought me to this tech savvy world where generating an income is just a click away. Cool, eh? It’s just like getting paid for something you love to do… gaining a profit out from your own hobby.
Haven’t heard of Google AdSense? Click here take a tour and navigate the site. Happy surfing!
Are you rich yet? I've got my pin, and am getting the odd click here and there, but it looks like a long road right now.
Good luck!
hehehe.. i'm not really expecting myself to get rich out of this stuff. as for now, i got 80% of that $100 payout. hmnn.. not that bad for a beginner like me then.
anyway, thanks grokodile for dropping by. happy surfing! and good luck!
thank you ji-hoon for dropping by... and for the souvenir coin i'm about to receive from you, hehe! GODSPEED!
just dropping by...I'm trying this Google Adsense thing, but I'm not getting any clicks. I'm tempted to click the ads myself.hehe...
hi luis! i can relate with you then, hehe! there were times i almost got tempted to click the ads myself too! but i held back. i shouldn't do that, else i'll generate invalid clicks, and i don't want my google adsense account to be deactivated just because of that violation. so take it from me then, don't click the ads yourself, hehe!
so have you gotten any clicks? i always wondered if that worked...
yeah.. so far so good. i've started posting ads last june. now, it's september, and i got 94% that $100 payout. again, not that bad for a neophyte like me, hehe!
glad to hear that you had received this e-income ... congrats ... :)
thanks neilvon for dropping a line. hope you'll have your google adsense account soon too!
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