Singles Agape Day Trip
Hoo-ha!! Time for another monthly socials for the Single Elimites! Together with the Elim Singles Gingoog and some other invited singles in CDO, we went for a nature tripping adventure at Blue Water River Resort in Taguanao. Such a breathtaking place there is! Tall trees, fresh air, unspoiled river, chirping of the birds… the site was perfect for outdoor activities. Lots of surprises were prepared by our games committee and it indeed liven up the gathering! The most amusing one was the so-called “christian service game” where my group received an award for its extravagant service of all -– the “washing of the feet” which exhibited our true spirit of christian service by simply showing genuine humility. Kudos to all single servants! Ingana jud dapat ang pagserbisyo!
Ooops! The fun never stopped there! ‘Coz after our big lunch, we headed through the Macahambus Adventure
Park for our afternoon tripping. It’s cave exploration this time! We entered an unspoiled cavern that led to a stream with pristine water. The dark pathways brought us to another end of the cave leading to a passage overlooking the white water rafting site. After taking some few snapshots, we proceeded with the next activity which was to get down to the bottom of the gorge, and enjoy the lush vegetation and the cold underground stream. I’ve tried exploring the gorge through rappelling last year, let me try descending this time through the 150-step trail. Hmnn… somewhat easier compared to rappelling, but quite exhausting too! Hahaha! Just can’t get enough of it, though. Hope to bring some more friends in here next time.
One final remark before I end this article. Elim Singles would like to extend their thanks to Bro. Pops for sharing his time amidst his busy schedule. He was the one who diligently drove us to the river site that morning, fetched us after lunch heading our way to Macahambus, and fetched us again at the end of the day when the adventure was through. We are indeed grateful for everybody’s support. TG!See more photos at
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