Thanks God I Blog!

Why blog? What do we get from it? Based from what I’ve been through at blogging, I wanna share some thoughts about the benefits I got from it. Needless to say, these are the 10 reasons why I blog.
1. It's fun. Self explanatory. FUN! As in lingaw! Think of any hobby you have and you’ll definitely describe it as fun - something you love doing, something you enjoy indulging yourself with. That’s what blogging to me, a hobby… a source of fun!
2. It's a tremendous opportunity to share a message. My casual, having-fun-self has delved into the

3. It’s a unique way to communicate with family & friends across the seas. Blogging gives you an opportune way to keep in touch with your friends and loved ones whom you haven’t seen for a long time. They can always get some fresh updates from you no matter how far they are. In turn, you can also be kept posted with their life’s updates by exchanging stories. Hence, it surmounts distance barriers.

5. It serves as therapy for some who need a place to vent. Blogging is a way of expressing oneself. Whether you are lonely, happy, inspired, excited, annoyed, thrilled, disgusted… you can express everything on your blog. Simply saying, your blog speaks your mind and conveys your heart. And when somebody writes a comment on your blog posting, you’re also letting that person express himself/herself. Ain’t that cool?
6. It's a way of forming friendships around the world. When you blog, you’re making yourself visible to the world wide web. A lot of people will be able to read your posts from all over the world. I’ve been noticing that a number of comments on my blog postings came from people outside my country, whew! And they’re giving good reviews to my articles! See? It’s one way of expanding your acquaintances around the globe.
7. It's a way to earn money. Absolutely! This is one true thing I can truly attest to! Why not? Google has

8. It’s educational. One thing I’ve learned from blogging is the HTML stuff (you know, like those CSS codes & scripts you do for web design). Well, it’s not that I’ve learned the whole thing from blogging. It’s just that blogging is one of the means to familiarize yourself with HTML. I’ve been doing a portion of web design for our company’s intranet a few years back, yet I’ve never been this meticulous on the codes & scripts, not until I had started working on my own web site hehehe! And when we finally had a formal training on Web Applications a couple of months ago, everything’s not new to me anymore, as I already had a brief exposure on those HTML stuff. Thanks God, I blog! Heheh!
9. It’s a way to promote business. Two of my friends used their blogs as a way of promoting their business (a colleague of mine who endorsed her crocheting business through Blogspot and a classmate wayback in college who made use of her Multiply site to promote her clothing business). I had created a separate blog for my pearl business too. Check it out!
10. It curtails boredom and loneliness. It’s very applicable to me, for a fact that I live on my own (as in alone, no housemate hehe!). There would be times when I just feel bored at my flat, and guess what? I’ll just go to my PC, and start scribbling with the keyboard! It’s a very healthy way to ease up the monotony.

One last cue: When you’re about to start making a blog, it sets your freedom. You can have a repository of anything that’s been cluttering on your mind. Express yourself, ‘ika nga. But this doesn’t mean posting anything offensive and foul words. There’s what we call “responsible blogging”, and it calls for a “responsible blogger”. Be one!
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