Welcome Back, Early Bird!

My usual coming to work 5 to 10 minutes late really made my colleagues wonder. And more often than not, I do wonder too, hahaha! Come to think of it, my pad is just a few meters away from the office, I could even just hike if I wanted to. Such an irony then, ‘coz I get late so often amidst that “walking distance”, while those colleagues living several kilometers away from the office report to work earlier than I do. Another ironic thing was that, I used to be an “early bird” when I was in grade school, I even became a recipient of the “Most Punctual” award that time, haaayy!! Things do really change, but for this particular concern, I must admit I’ve changed for the worse, hahaha! Well, not that bad though, ‘coz I’m aware of it and I’m opening myself for another change, and this time, it’s for the better.
This month’s a good start for me then. “Welcome back, early bird!” was what I’ve exclaimed, as if congratulating myself for such a job well done, hehe! My biometric timekeeping record exhibited a noticeable improvement, from the usual 8:10 time-in on the previous months to 7:45 (and earlier) on the current month. Beat that? While I used to be the last person to arrive in the IT room, now I’m the earliest so far (I have to ask for the key from the guard ‘coz I always end up getting in with the door locked, hehe!). How nice it is to relish back the good old days, you know, being an early bird and all, and I love it this way! Will I be able to keep this up? I sure will! (Now, that’s the spirit, Vonnex!).