Grand Family Reunion: An Ultimate Summer Blast

Held last May 27, 2006 at my great grandparents’ ancestral home in Sandingan Island, Loon, Bohol, the first grand family reunion was a great success. It brought together over 200 family members coming from different places (Manila, Cebu, Davao, Bukidnon, etc) who came to Bohol to witness and take part of that very special family event.
Tracing back the roots of our ancestry brought joy and amusement for us youngsters. From my great grandfather

Nine colors represented each of the nine families of the entire Roslinda Clan. The selection of the t-shirt color was pre-drawn, and we (Lolo Petok’s family) got the red one. So there you’ll see the bold print at the back: “Menes-Bebang Roslinda Clan”. (Thanks to Uncle Boy for his painstaking effort of printing the shirts nga pagka daghan jud kaau, whew!).

At around 3:00 p.m. all the kids (there were

The concluding activity after dinner was the kick-off disco party for all. I

My trip to Bohol was indeed memorable. And I'm looking forward to coming back to my great grandparents' hometown year after year.. after year.
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