Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Last Saturday, I took time to travel back home despite the heavy downpour of rain ‘coz I wanted to spend my weekend with my family and be with my mom on Mother’s Day. My travel was not in vain ‘coz I was able paint a smile on my mom’s face on that special day. My sis bought bunch of flowers to which we prepared and made into a nice bouquet. I also bought a special present paired with a personalized greeting card, adorned with fragrances so that mom would smell the sweet scent by the time she receives the present. Whoaw! I could just see my mom smiling from ear to ear as me and my sis handed to her our special presents.

- cooked that special food with which she mixed a tiny black soot during my first day of school in Grade 1 (my mom was some kind of supersticious, whew!)
- prepared a glassful of hot milk for me and my sis before going to school (I don’t drink milk, but I can’t resist my mom’s insistence, hehe!)
- sang her spanish lullabye for me and my sis during bedtime (I could even still remember the lyrics until now.. hmnn!)
- was the one who gave me a nickname "Kikki", and she's the only one calling me by that name until now (nobody in the family, nor from my group of friends, ever called me that name, only my mom!)
- cooked my favorite foods - spagghetti, fried talong w/ egg, meat balls, and piniritong bangus (I remember I was so choosy in foods when I was a little girl, aaargggh!)
- tagged me and my sis along with her and dad on their household prayer meetings when we were still kids, and so we were acquainted with christians songs & worship at a very young age
- would bring home my favorite goodies when she returns from school – siopao, pancake and cotton candy
- bought a guitar for me and my sis as playing the guitar was her frustration during her younger years
- played scrabble with me, my sis and my dad, & she would always hit the triple word score, hahaha!
- was present in all my major school activities (PTA meetings, Recognition Day, Closing Exercises, etc.)
- would lovingly give me sponge baths whenever I ran a high fever and would never leave my side until I get well
- gave me and my sis bunch of peso coins (those big ones, the most antique peso coins since early 80’s), as her way of rewarding us for our first family trip together in Bohol
- resist buying that toy balloon after church despite my insistence (I could really cry that time), as she was saving money to buy me that dream dress of mine I was eyeing on the nearby store
- tied my hair with my favorite hello kitty hairclip (until such time I no longer depend on her for fixing my hair, ows!)
- bought me and my sister identical dresses, bags & shoes (which would only differ in colors and sizes, and as such, me and my sis were oftentimes identified as twins, hehe!)
- do the laundry at home, put our clothes in place, and prepares our well-ironed uniform a day before we go to school
- gives greeting card to us on all special occasions, along with whatever gift she handed
- slept till midnight with me to help me with that crocheting project in high school, as I was catching up my advanced exam for top graduating students
- was my constant buddy at home, my confidante (even upto now, she's still that ever caring mother who never get tired of listening to my stories, be it business matters or matters of the heart, hehe!)
- never failed to pray the holy rosary every night, naming all of us one by one at the end of her prayer petitions as she lifted us to the Lord for His protection and blessing (she still doing this upto now and her list now includes my sis’ bf and my fiance)
Happy Mother’s Day, Mamang! We love you very much!