A Soulful Retreat
Talk about that part of your life’s journey where you’re at your lowest times – people have been hurting you over and over, you tried to stretch more of your patience, but your heart grew weary and tired, you just wanna give up and move on. I was on the verge of letting go, but God came in to my rescue JUST IN TIME! That’s when I decided to join the retreat all alone, and never did I realize, it was God’s instrument for me to ponder things over, contemplate more deeply, and reflect on the situation in God’s light.
My 3-day holy week retreat has brought me inner healing – both emotionally and spiritually. It was such a relieving feeling seeing Jesus embraced our humanity – an assurance that I was not alone on my inner battle. True enough, my faith and strength was being put to the test. Sometimes though, the best way to be strong is to admit that you are weak. I admit I was weak during those times. And my ultimate source of strength was Jesus! And with this, I’ll live up to this passage: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. –Phil. 4:13